Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Neighborhood Goofin', 1979 (Age 3)

Here's my sister, Jene, in our driveway in May 1979. Congrats on getting married *this* month (as I write this), August 2023, Jene & Duane!

Here's Jene and I. That's a Plymouth Horizon. In the back is our house (red until around...1989?) with our old back deck before it became two-tiered, and Pine Mountain*, which was, in a general sense, between us and Danbury Airport.

Me in "regular" pose. And, wait for it...

Me in "wacky" pose. That's one of those jackets that had multiple bootleg baseball team logos. *Even* then I remember questioning why as a fan of *one* team, I'd be forced to represent *many* teams. Maybe those jackets were just meant to show you were a "fan of the game."

I can't explain why suddenly we have black and white pictures... maybe another family took these and we got copies? This is my dad pushing me on a swing at Ridgebury School, just through the woods from our house.

Down at the nature trail adjacent to the school. Jene's at far left, me and my dad are in the middle. The gaggle of neighbors consists of Mr. Benson and his two kids on the bridge, and two Quinn kids over in the stream. If we've got dads and kids, maybe Mr. Quinn was the photographer here. Jene and I took my dad to this spot last summer as part of his 80th birthday celebration.

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